We carry out the requirements of the 24 month altimeter certification and transponder correlation, rounding out our one-stop-shop capabilities.
Altimeter Certification:
The altimeter is required to be tested every 24 months as per CAR’s 625.86 App C when flying in transponder airspace. This is to assure accuracy of the altimeter when flying in high traffic airspace.
Altimeters are tested to CAR’s standard 571 App B.
Transponder Testing:
Transponders are required to be tested every 24 months as per CAR’s 625.86 App C whenever an aircraft is equipped with a transponder.
The transponder is tested to CAR’s 571 App F standard.

Altimeter / Transponder Correlation
During the transponder test the transponder is tested for performance, and the associated encoder is tested for proper correlation between the altimeter and the encoder.
Because the altimeter and encoder correlation are part of the required transponder test, the 24-month altimeter certification and transponder correlation are often done at the same time.